
Printer Page 

A Brief Overview

This tool can help you organize Pony Club Rallies each step of the way from planning through to completion.

This is accomplished by;

•     Create a Rally by combining a location and a date.

•     Add Members to the Rally.

•     Add Instructors to the Rally.

•     Sort Members and Instructors into Rides within the Rally.

•     Print a list showing this information.

There is online help to guide you step by step through the process, this can be accessed by clicking on the Question Mark next to the item that you are using, or at the top left of the page.


On the left side of the page are links to get to the various pages, some of these are split in two, such as "Instructors" and "Admin" for the most part as an Administrator you will want to click on the word "Admin" as this is where changes can be made, however the reason there are two parts is because some are viewable to the public and others have more information than is needed to administer the group.

If you have a JavaScript enabled on you browser you can click on the various question marks on each page throughout the site, to link to the relevant part of this page, try the one below. This window will close automatically after 30 seconds.
Click here for help with this item

This page is for the most part setout to match the layout of the of the links on the site, this is not the most logical layout for learning how to use the site but should make it easier to find what you are looking for within this page. The titles of each section come from the menu items on the left of the site, and the sub titles describe the links and the description describes what you will find there and how to use it. From there they are laid out from the left of the page that is being described to the right, so the nearer the right side of the page the item is, the closer to the bottom of it's section on this page it's description will be.

Rallies Pages

Rallies Admin

This page has a list of both Past and Future rallies and it is visible to the Public, it has links to printer pages (white background black text) for Members Rally Application Forms for the upcoming rallies and a similar one for Instructors, they can be printed off, filled in and posted to an administrator.

Rallies Admin

Add Rally

A rally is created by combining a location and a date together, this is then given a name, a price and any notes that are pertinent such as a Pony Club examiner being there or a party afterwards.
Rally Name, Date and Location are required fields because they are used throughout the administration of the site, the rest of the entry fields are for information purposes.
The date must be entered in the US format i.e. mm/dd/yyyy month/day/year, because this cannot be updated later due to the way the internet handles dates and the fact that the Americans developed the software that we use.
If you make a mistake entering the date delete the rally and do it again before you add members to it. All the other fields can be updated later via the Update page.


From this page you can update all the information fields from the Add Rally page except the date as explained above. There are four additional boxes that can be checked with a click of the mouse, they are for Instructors Confirmed, Lunch, Accident Report Form, Location Booked, these are to give a reminder to the Administrators of the Rally of what else has to be done before the start of the Rally. Do not forget to click Update or the changes will not be recorded in the database and hence lost.


Delete Rally, if Members and Instructors have been assigned to the rally a button will appear for each, to remove those entries from the database before the Rally and all it's details are deleted, this is not reversible.


From this page the members that have been added to the Rally, are shuffled into the rides within it. Members appear by default in the ride that is assigned to them in their personal details as covered below in the Members section.
To change the Ride that a member is assigned to click the drop down box with the letters in, click on the appropriate letter of the Ride that you want to move them to and click Change. This only changes the member's assigned Ride within this Rally and does not affect their assigned Rides in any other Rallies.
This has to be done individually for each move, if Joe Fred and Harry generally ride together it will reduce the amount of shuffling here if you give them all the same Ride in their personal details, as covered below, there is a Remove button if needed.
There are also links to switch back and forth between the Instructors page for that rally and the Complete Details as covered below.
The check boxes for Lunch etc. can not be updated from here, they must updated from the Rally Update page as covered above.
The page opens in a new window in order to get the most information on the page, the site is still open underneath this page.


When Instructors are added to a Rally they are generally added with the Available button, as covered below, and will appear at the bottom of this page as Available, click the Booked button to move them up into their default ride as assigned in their Personal details covered below in the Instructors section.
There can only be one Instructor assigned to each Ride or you will get spurious results in the Complete Details Page.
To change the Ride that an Instructor is assigned to click the drop down box with the letters in, click on the appropriate letter of the Ride that you want to move them to and click Change. This only changes the Instructor's assigned Ride within this Rally and does not affect their assigned Rides in any other Rallies.
This has to be done individually for each move, if Joe Fred and Harry generally ride together and Iris instructs them, it will reduce the amount of shuffling here if you give them all the same Ride in their personal details as the Members that they generally instruct, there is a Remove button if needed.
There are also links to switch back and forth between the Riders page for that Rally and the Complete Details as covered below.
The page opens in a new window in order to get the most information on the page, the site is still open underneath this page.


This page puts the Riders and the Instructors together in their assigned Rides, an Instructor must be assigned to each Ride or the Ride will not appear on this page.
There are links to switch back and forth between the Riders page for that Rally and the Instructors page to help get everybody assigned correctly.
If a Ride is not showing up on this page go to the Instructors page and check that an Instructor is assigned to it.
If Riders names are appearing more than once go to the Instructors page and check that there is only one Instructor assigned to that ride.
If nothing is appearing on this page go to the Members page and check that at least one member is entered to the Rally.
Finally there is a link to a Printer Page (white background black text) which shows the Riders and Instructors in their Rides, Location address, and Notes and the Rally notes.

The rest of the line has the Rally name, Date and location, then the number of Members assigned to the Rally, the number of Instructors Booked for the Rally and the number of Instructors Available if needed.
The four check boxes for Instructors Confirmed, Lunch, Accident Report Form, Location Booked can be updated in Rally Update as covered above.
The page is laid out in reverse Date order so you don't have to keep scrolling to the bottom of the page for the latest Rally, and Rallies that have already been held are in a different colour and font to give a visual reference as to how many are forthcoming.

Members Pages

Add Members

First name, Surname and Year of Birth are required fields because they are used throughout the administration of the site.
Next, Ride, this is the "Ride" that the member will be put into when added to a rally, if Joe Fred and Harry generally ride together it will reduce the amount of shuffling later if you give them all the same Ride.
Exam, subs and school, these are for information purposes, i.e. it might be useful to know how many members are at a given exam level or how many members could turn up when a particular school has a half term.
The rest of the input fields are not used at the moment but could be used for automatic e-mailing of Rally Applications Forms etc.
Any mistakes made here can be corrected in the Update page.


Type the first letter of the member's Surname in the box, click "Find" to retrieve all the members with Surnames starting the with that letter. Useful when you have John Smith's Rally Application Form to be able to go straight the S's, sm will return Smith, Smyth, Smythe, Smith-Jones etc.

First Page Previous Page Next Page Last Page

Steps through the members list.


This page allows you to update all the criteria that was entered on the Add Member page with one addition, the member's balance, this can be manually adjusted here if need be. Do not forget to click Update or the changes will not be recorded in the database and hence lost.


Delete member's record from the database, if the member has attended any rallies there is a button to remove them from those Rallies first, then a button to remove their personal entry and all it's details. This can not be reversed.


Here with the completed Rallies Application Form you add Members to the various Rallies, they are assigned to a ride within the Rally as specified by their personal details as covered above in Members Add/Update.
Click Add or Remove as necessary,
if the payment is correct click the Update button to clear their outstanding balance.

Sort by Name, Age, Ride, DOB, Exam, Subs and School

Click on the column heading to sort the members by that criteria.

Quick Update

The select boxes next to the members name and age allows you to quickly update a few of their details. Ride updates the ride that members will be put into next time you enter them to a Rally, it does not affect the rallies that they are already entered in. Do not forget to click Quick Update or the changes will not be recorded in the database and hence lost.

Instructors Pages

Instructors Admin

This Page lists all the information in the database about the Instructors, there is a link to a Printer Page (white background black text) 

Instructors Admin

Printer Page

Links to a page (white background black text) with all the information in the database about the Instructors, as above.

Rallies and Instructors

This page lists all the Instructors that have returned a Rally Availability Form and their response for each forthcoming Rally. BKD indicates they have been Booked for that Rally, Avail indicates that they are Available and n/a indicates that they are not available. If the box is empty there has been no answer.

Add Instructor

First name, Surname are required fields because they are used throughout the administration of the site.
Next, Ride, this is the "Ride" that the Instructor will be assigned to when added to a rally, if Joe Fred and Harry generally ride together and Iris instructs them, it will reduce the amount of shuffling later if you give them all the same Ride in their personal details as the Members that they generally instruct.
The rest of the entry fields are for information purposes.


This page allows you to update all the criteria that was entered on the Add Instructor page. Do not forget to click Update or the changes will not be recorded in the database and hence lost.


Delete Instructor's record from the database, if the Instructor has been assigned to any rallies there is a button to remove them from those Rallies first, then a button to remove their personal entry and all it's details. This can not be reversed.


Go to this page when the completed Instructor's Availability Form is returned, the Instructors current status for any given Rally is shown to the right of their name.
Normally an Instructor is added with the Avail (Available) button, this is because 10 Instructors may say that they are available when only 4 are needed, so they would be booked on the Instructors Page in the Rallies section as covered above, this change will be reflected here and on the Rallies and Instructors Page.
There is a Not Avail button to indicate that they are not available and a Book button which which assigns them to their default ride within the Rally directly.
To change an Instructors status in any given Rally click the Change button and make the appropriate change.
The page is laid out in reverse Date order so you don't have to keep scrolling to the bottom of the page for the latest Rally, and Rallies that have already been held are in a different colour and font to give a visual reference as to how many are forthcoming.

Sort by Ride

Click on the column heading to sort the Instructors by their default Ride.

Quick Update

The select box next to the Instructor's name allows you to quickly change the default Ride, that the Instructor is assigned to next time they are either Booked or changed from Available to Booked, it does not affect the rallies that they are already Booked in. Do not forget to click Quick Update or the changes will not be recorded in the database and hence lost.

Location Pages

Locations Admin

This page has a list of all the Locations where rallies are held, and their details including any specific notes that have been entered, it is visible to the public and if a Post Code is entered in the Location address, a hyperlink will automatically appear linking to a map of the location address.

Locations Admin

Add Location

Location Name is a required field because it is used throughout the administration of the site, the rest of the entry fields are for information purposes.
Post Codes must have a "+" in place of the space between the first and second part of the post code. i.e. cb8+7js not cb8 7js not cb87js, or the automatic hyperlink to an online map will not work.
There is an entry for notes that may help people find it, such as "Turn left off the Snailwell road next to the windmill" these only have to be entered once and they will come up every time a particular location is used for a Rally.


This page allows you to update all the criteria that was entered on the Add Location page. Do not forget to click Update or the changes will not be recorded in the database and hence lost.


Delete Location, if Rallies have been held or planned at this Location and Members and Instructors assigned to them, two buttons will appear one for deleting the members from the those rallies and one for the deleting the Instructors. These will have to be clicked once for each Rally.
Then a button will appear to remove it from the Rallies, followed by one to remove the Location and all its details. This can not be reversed.

Administrators Pages

Admin  Admin

This page has a list of Rally Administrators and their contact details, it is visible to the public for contact and entry information.

Admin  Admin

Add Administrator

First Name, Surname Username, Password and Site Administrator are all required fields because they are used to login the Administrator and set the access permissions.
Usernames and Passwords should be different for each User.
If you want to add a new Administrator to the site it is important that the word Admin is entered in the Site Administrator box as this in combination with the Username and Password allows the page to be viewed and changes made.
If you want to just enter somebody's contact details so that they can be seen by the public, Username and Password are not necessary.


This page allows you to update all the criteria that was entered on the Add Administrator page. Do not forget to click Update or the changes will not be recorded in the database and hence lost.


Delete Administrator, because there are no links within the database to the Administrators this button only needs to be pressed once. This can not be reversed.

Back-up and Restore

This feature is for Advanced users, please read the following notes carefully before proceeding. The site runs from a database named BSponyclub.mdb, other files in this folder are ignored, however as it is a system folder, do not upload any other files to this folder!

The database on the server is secure and stable, but you may wish to have a back-up of of the database either before or after a lot of changes are made, at the start of a new year or to work on it on a local machine via MS Access or a copy of this site running on the local machine.

Download a back-up

When you click on the link BSponyclub.mdb you should have a dialog box asking you if you want to save the file, click"Save", then another dialog box asking where to save the file to, if you have a copy of this site on the local machine navigate to "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\BponyclubS\DATA" otherwise select Desktop or My Documents.

Important if another administrator is making changes to the site while you are downloading the database the downloaded file maybe corrupted, so if possible try to make sure that nobody else is making changes in those few minutes.

Upload / Restore

Caution, any changes made to the database on the server between the time when BSponyclub.mdb was downloaded and then uploaded again will be lost.
If the file is opened with MS Access do not change the table structures, some or all of the site may crash, the data within the tables may be changed, but a good working knowledge of databases is required so that key information is not lost.
If the database has been changed via a copy of this site on the local machine there will be no problem sending the database back and forth. To upload the database from the local machine, click "Browse", a dialog box will open locate the file on the local machine and then click "Open" the file name should appear in the text box on the page, then click "Upload".


Search Members

From this page you can find out how many members are between certain ages, how many go to a certain school or how many have paid their subscriptions and any combination of these questions.
If for example you would like to know how many 9 year olds who have paid their subscriptions, you would select 9 in the lower age box and 9 in the upper age box, paid in the subscriptions box and click "Search"

Members Attendance

Members Attendance

From this page you can see how many past and future Rallies that each member has been to, or been entered in.